Fork 0

131 lines
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package break_out.view;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import break_out.Constants;
import break_out.model.Game;
* The view class manages the depiction of the components inside the JFrames. It
* gets the components from the game which is connected to this class
* @author dmlux
public class View extends JFrame {
* Automatic generated serial version UID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1850986636132660133L;
* THe layout
private CardLayout cardLayout;
* The connected game
private Game game;
* The start screen of this application
private StartScreen startScreen;
* The playground
private Field field;
* The constructor of the view
public View() {
// sets the default close operation
setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
// adds a layout to the view
cardLayout = new CardLayout();
// adding screens to the view
startScreen = new StartScreen(this);
field = new Field(this);
getContentPane().add(startScreen, StartScreen.class.getName());
getContentPane().add(field, Field.class.getName());
// show start screen first
cardLayout.show(getContentPane(), StartScreen.class.getName());
// set the start position of the frame
// hotfix: screen size
setMinimumSize(new Dimension((int) Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, (int) Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT));
* Getter for the start screen
* @return startScreen
public StartScreen getStartScreen() {
return startScreen;
* Getter for the playground
* @return field
public Field getField() {
return field;
* Getter for the game
* @return game
public Game getGame() {
return game;
* Setter for the game
* @param game The current game
public void setGame(Game game) {
// set the game as model
this.game = game;
* Shows a given screen if the card layout contains this screen
* @param screenName The screen to be shown
public void showScreen(String screenName) {
cardLayout.show(getContentPane(), screenName);
* Called by game.notifyObservers() in the run()-method of Level class
* to repaint the playground
* @param game The game to observe
public void modelChanged(Game game) {
this.game = game;
// Calls the method paintComponents() in the Field class