Fork 0

392 lines
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package break_out.model;
import break_out.Constants;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
* This class contains the information about the balls characteristics and behavior
* @author iSchumacher; modified by Gruppe 175 (Moritz Henseleit, Ruben Meyer)
public class Ball implements IBall {
* The balls position on the playground
private Position position;
* The balls direction
private Vector2D direction;
* The balls hit state for paddles; custom implementation
private boolean hitsPaddle;
* The balls lost state for upper and lower borders
private boolean isLost;
* The balls color with default component color
private Color color = Constants.COLOR_COMPONENT;
* The stone which has been hit by the ball
private Stone hitStone = null;
* The constructor of a ball
* The balls position and direction are initialized here.
public Ball() {
this.position = new Position(0, 0);
this.direction = new Vector2D(Constants.BALL_SPEED, Constants.BALL_SPEED);
// start at bottom-center
this.position.setX((Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.BALL_DIAMETER) / 2.0);
this.position.setY(Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - Constants.BALL_DIAMETER - Constants.PADDLE_HEIGHT);
* The getter for the balls position
* @return position The balls current position
public Position getPosition() {
return this.position;
* The getter for the balls direction
* @return direction The balls current direction
public Vector2D getDirection() {
return this.direction;
* The getter for the balls color
* @return color The balls current color
public Color getColor() { return this.color; }
* The setter for the balls color
* @param color The balls new color
public void setColor(Color color) { this.color = color; }
* Creates new random color for the ball and sets it
* @see <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/a/4247219">Stackoverflow Answer 4247219</a>
public void newRandomColor() {
Random random = new Random();
// random hue without blue colors to prevent ghosting
// 65 <~ 170/255
float hue = (random.nextInt(65)) / 100f;
// saturation between 0.5 and 0.7
float saturation = (random.nextInt(2000) + 5000) / 10000f;
float luminance = 0.9f;
Color randColor = Color.getHSBColor(hue, saturation, luminance);
* The getter for the balls hit state
* @return hitsPaddle The balls current hit state
public boolean getHitState() { return this.hitsPaddle; }
* The setter for the balls hit state
* @param state The balls new hit state
public void setHitState(boolean state) { this.hitsPaddle = state; }
* updates ball position
public void updatePosition() {
// sets X position
this.position.setX(this.position.getX() + this.direction.getDx());
// sets Y position
this.position.setY(this.position.getY() + this.direction.getDy());
* Ball reacts to contact with the borders
public void reactOnBorder() {
// reacts on left border
if (this.position.getX() <= 0) {
// reacts on right border (-Diameter because of hitbox)
if (this.position.getX() >= Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.BALL_DIAMETER) {
this.position.setX(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.BALL_DIAMETER);
// reacts on top border
if (this.position.getY() <= 0) {
isLost = true;
// reacts on bottom border (+Diameter because of hitbox)
if (this.position.getY() >= Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - Constants.BALL_DIAMETER) {
isLost = true;
* tests whether the ball touches the paddle's hit box.
* @param paddle paddle which will be tested
* @return true when ball hits the paddle
public boolean hitsPaddle(Paddle paddle) {
// paddles position
Position posPaddle = paddle.getPosition();
// balls position
Position posBall = this.getPosition();
// test balls y position against paddles y values
// paddles y values can be interpreted as a closed interval therefore if balls y position is in the interval, its true
boolean testPaddleY = (
posPaddle.getY() <= posBall.getY() && posBall.getY() <= posPaddle.getY()+paddle.getHeight() ||
posPaddle.getY() <= posBall.getY()+Constants.BALL_DIAMETER && posBall.getY()+Constants.BALL_DIAMETER <= posPaddle.getY()+paddle.getHeight()
// test balls x position against paddles x values
// paddles x values can be interpreted as a closed interval therefore if balls x position is in the interval, its true
boolean testPaddleX = (
posPaddle.getX() <= posBall.getX() && posBall.getX() <= posPaddle.getX()+paddle.getWidth() ||
posPaddle.getX() <= posBall.getX()+Constants.BALL_DIAMETER && posBall.getX()+Constants.BALL_DIAMETER <= posPaddle.getX()+paddle.getWidth()
// if balls y position is in paddles y values, verify x position
if(testPaddleY) {
//System.out.println("ball is in y area of paddle: "+String.format("x, y, w, h: %s, %s, %s, %s", posPaddle.getX(), posPaddle.getY(), paddle.getWidth(), paddle.getHeight()));
// if ball is in paddles hit box
if(testPaddleX) {
//System.out.println("ball hits paddle: "+String.format("x, y, w, h: %s, %s, %s, %s", posPaddle.getX(), posPaddle.getY(), paddle.getWidth(), paddle.getHeight()));
return true;
// default output, ball doesn't hit paddle
return false;
* Ball got hit by Paddle paddle
* @param paddle hitbox mechanism of paddle
public void reflectOnPaddle(Paddle paddle) {
// reflection point / offset point
Position reflectionPoint = new Position(
paddle.getPosition().getX() + (paddle.getWidth() / 2.0),
paddle.getPosition().getY() + (paddle.getHeight() / 2.0)
// new direction vector; assignment not here
Vector2D reflectionVector;
// no general solution, estimation required
// only two paddles defined in the game design, therefore greater or smaller than middle of screen
//deciding if the paddle is at the top or bottom to adjust if its +or- y direction
if (paddle.getPosition().getY() <= Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2.0) {
// top paddle
reflectionPoint.setY(reflectionPoint.getY() - Constants.REFLECTION_OFFSET);
} else {
// bottom paddle
reflectionPoint.setY(reflectionPoint.getY() + Constants.REFLECTION_OFFSET);
// calculating the center of the ball; needed for correct vector calculation
Position ballCenter = new Position(
position.getX() + (Constants.BALL_DIAMETER/2.0),
position.getY() + (Constants.BALL_DIAMETER/2.0)
// The direction is set to the vector between offset point and the ball's center
reflectionVector = new Vector2D(reflectionPoint, ballCenter);
// normalize vector
// replace direction vector
* tests whether the ball touches any stone's hit box
* @param stones list of stones on the playground
* @return true if the ball touches a stone
public boolean hitsStone(ArrayList<Stone> stones) {
// ball as a Rectangle
Rectangle rectBall = new Rectangle((int) getPosition().getX(), (int) getPosition().getY(), Constants.BALL_DIAMETER, Constants.BALL_DIAMETER);
// size of grid blocks
int blockWidth = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / Constants.SQUARES_X;
int blockHeight = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / Constants.SQUARES_Y;
// foreach stone in stones
for(Stone stone : stones) {
if(stone != null) {
// stone as a Rectangle based on view.Field
Rectangle rectStone = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX()+1, (int) stone.getPosition().getY()+1, blockWidth-1, blockHeight-1);
// if ball intersects with stone which is existent and visible
if(rectBall.intersects(rectStone) && stone.getColor() != null) {
// set stone and return true
hitStone = stone;
// reflect ball
return true;
return false;
* returns the stone which got hit, can be null
* @return the stone which got hit
public Stone getHitStone() {
return hitStone;
* Ball got hit by Stone stone
* @param stone hitbox mechanism of stone
public void reflectOnStone(Stone stone) {
// reflection model based on view.Field rendering model
// size of grid blocks
int blockWidth = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / Constants.SQUARES_X;
int blockHeight = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / Constants.SQUARES_Y;
// ball as a Rectangle
Rectangle rectBall = new Rectangle((int) getPosition().getX(), (int) getPosition().getY(), Constants.BALL_DIAMETER, Constants.BALL_DIAMETER);
// stone as a Rectangle
Rectangle rectStone = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX()+1, (int) stone.getPosition().getY()+1, blockWidth-1, blockHeight-1);
// stones borders as Rectangle's
Rectangle topBorder = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX(), (int) stone.getPosition().getY(), blockWidth, 1);
Rectangle bottomBorder = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX(), (int) stone.getPosition().getY()+blockHeight, blockWidth, 1);
Rectangle leftBorder = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX(), (int) stone.getPosition().getY(), 1, blockHeight);
Rectangle rightBorder = new Rectangle((int) stone.getPosition().getX()+blockWidth, (int) stone.getPosition().getY(), 1, blockHeight);
//System.out.println(String.format("ball (%s, %s) stone (%s, %s)", getPosition().getX(), getPosition().getY(), stone.getPosition().getX(), stone.getPosition().getY()));
// if stone intersects with any bounds
if(rectBall.intersects(rectStone.getBounds())) {
// corner intersections
if((rectBall.intersects(leftBorder) || rectBall.intersects(rightBorder)) && (rectBall.intersects(topBorder) || rectBall.intersects(bottomBorder))) {
// intersections as Rectangle's
Rectangle intersTop = rectBall.intersection(topBorder);
Rectangle intersBottom = rectBall.intersection(bottomBorder);
Rectangle intersLeft = rectBall.intersection(leftBorder);
Rectangle intersRight = rectBall.intersection(rightBorder);
// rectangles as area to determine corner
double areaIntersTop = intersTop.getHeight() * intersTop.getWidth();
double areaIntersBottom = intersBottom.getHeight() * intersBottom.getWidth();
double areaIntersLeft = intersLeft.getHeight() * intersLeft.getWidth();
double areaIntersRight = intersRight.getHeight() * intersRight.getWidth();
//System.out.printf("ut, ub, ul, ur: %s %s %s %s\r\n", areaIntersTop, areaIntersBottom, areaIntersLeft, areaIntersRight);
// top side
if(areaIntersTop > 0) {
// left|right border
if(areaIntersLeft > areaIntersTop || areaIntersRight > areaIntersTop) direction.setDx(-getDirection().getDx());
// top border
else direction.setDy(-getDirection().getDy());
// bottom side
if(areaIntersBottom > 0) {
// left|right border
if(areaIntersLeft > areaIntersBottom || areaIntersRight > areaIntersBottom) direction.setDx(-getDirection().getDx());
// bottom border
else direction.setDy(-getDirection().getDy());
// return; intersection already handled
// vertical bounds
if(rectBall.intersects(leftBorder) || rectBall.intersects(rightBorder)) {
//System.out.println("left|right border");
// horizontal bounds
if(rectBall.intersects(topBorder) || rectBall.intersects(bottomBorder)) {
//System.out.println("top|bottom border");
* The getter for balls lost state
* @return balls lost state
public boolean isLost() {
return isLost;
* The setter for balls lost state
* @param lost balls lost state
public void setLost(boolean lost) {
isLost = lost;