Fork 0

78 lines
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package break_out;
import java.awt.Color;
* A class that contains all constant values to configure the game
* @author dmlux, modified by I. Schumacher
public class Constants {
* The screen width in pixels
public static final Integer SCREEN_WIDTH = 880;
* The screen height in pixels
public static final Integer SCREEN_HEIGHT = 750;
* the application name
public static final String APP_TITLE = "BreakOut";
* Debugging flag for special rendering hints
public static final boolean DEBUG_MODE = false;
* The background color for the game menu
public static final Color BACKGROUND = new Color(52, 152, 219);
* Amount of columns for blocks
public static final Integer SQUARES_X = 22;
* Amount of the rows
public static final Integer SQUARES_Y = 30;
* The paddle width in pixels
public static final Integer PADDLE_WIDTH = 70;
* The paddle height in pixels
public static final Integer PADDLE_HEIGHT = 15;
* The distance between paddle and the lower reflection offset.
public static final Double REFLECTION_OFFSET = 25.0;
* The ball diameter in pixels
public static final Integer BALL_DIAMETER = 15;
* The paddle speed
public static final Double DX_MOVEMENT = 4.5;
* The ball speed
public static final Double BALL_SPEED = 1.20;