/* * This file is part of the authRXBN single sign-on package. * * (c) Ruben Meyer */ // init var methods = {}; var crypto = require('crypto'); /** * Generating Hash * @author Ruben Meyer * @param {String} key "user password" * @param {String} salt (OPTIONAL) * @return {String} */ methods.generateHash = (key, salt) => { if(typeof salt !== 'string') { let length = 16; salt = crypto.randomBytes(Math.ceil(length/2)).toString('hex').slice(0, length); } else { salt = salt; } let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', salt); hash.update(key); hash = hash.digest('hex'); return hash+'|'+salt; }; /** * validate hashed password * @author Ruben Meyer * @param {String} hash "hashed password" * @param {String} key "plaintext password" * @return {Boolean} */ methods.validateHash = (hash, key) => { if(typeof hash !== 'string' || typeof key !== 'string') return false; let salt = hash.split('|')[1]; let generated = methods.generateHash(key, salt); if( hash.split('|')[0].length === generated.split('|')[0].length && crypto.timingSafeEqual( Buffer.from(generated.split('|')[0], 'hex'), Buffer.from(hash.split('|')[0], 'hex') ) ) { return true; } return false; }; module.exports = methods;